In-person Meeting Registration

The Catalysis Club of Philadelphia has changed the reservation system.

Din­ner cost:

  • Reg­u­lar mem­bers $45.00, fol­low this LINK to reg­is­ter
  • Non-mem­bers $55.00, fol­low this LINK to reg­is­ter
  • Stu­dents, post­docs, and retired mem­bers $35.00, fol­low this LINK to reg­is­ter

In effort to reduce costs for the club, pay­ment through Pay­Pal is now required to reg­is­ter. Please fol­low the above links to com­plete reg­is­tra­tion. Thank you for your under­stand­ing.

The month­ly meet­ings will be held at the Brandy­wine Plaza Hotel (630 Naa­mans Road, Clay­mont, Delaware 19703). Meet­ing room - Sus­sex Room.

Meet­ing date: 03/21/2024 (This is an in-per­son meet­ing)


  1. Main Speak­er: Prof. Dongx­ia Liu, Uni­ver­si­ty of Delaware. Title of Talk – “Mem­brane Reac­tor: Cou­pling Cat­alyt­ic Reac­tion and Sep­a­ra­tion for Dehy­dro­gena­tion of Light Alka­nes”
  2. Sec­ond Speak­er: Gagan­deep Dhillon, John­son Matthey. Title of talk – “Fe2(MoO4)3/ZSM-5 cat­a­lysts for methane arom­a­ti­za­tion to ben­zene”

Please fol­low the LINK to sign up for mem­ber­ship (if you have not done so) before sign­ing up for the in-per­son meet­ing.

The dead­line to sign-up for meals is March 14th, 2024. We need head count for din­ner 7 days pri­or to the event due to venue and cater­ing require­ment.

Typ­i­cal agen­da for the meet­ing will be as:

  1. 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm – Social hour
  2. 6:30 pm to 7:15 pm – Din­ner
  3. 7:30 pm to 8:45 pm – Meet­ing

Please make your selec­tion for the din­ner when you sign up for March 21st (03/21/2024) from the fol­low­ing options (Main course; Dessert):

  1. Entrée & Dessert— Mary­land Crab Cakes; Limon­cel­la Cake
  2. Entrée & Dessert— Herb Roast­ed Chick­en; Limon­cel­la Cake
  3. Entrée & Dessert— Veg­e­tar­i­an Lasagna (Veg­e­tar­i­an); Limon­cel­la Cake
  4. Entrée & Dessert— Cavat­ap­pi Pas­ta (Veg­an), Fruit Cup
    Sal­ad comes with any option: Cae­sar Sal­ad; Drink: Lemon­ade